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Why is NYC so expensive? : https://inewsnetwork.net/6569/investigations/why-is-nyc-so-expensive/

In this article made by Kai Ferkel she talks about the many reasons why NYC is so expensive which she separated into many factors, the first one being transportation how living in NYC transportation is a not something tobe worried about since there are many ways you could transport around It could be through a car, bus,train, and taxi, which is a thing that is a major factor on the elevated prices, she also metioned food being a big influence because if you live around a place were there is a lot of comercial places like restaurants the rent is usually high because of the many food options, and the main reason the author said why is so expensive is because of real estate since NYC is a very urban area with diversity and with a lot jobs many people like to purchase property in NYC because they know they would get to rent to the place quick which make the real estate value price higher which make rent higher.


In the article ive found some pretty intereeting point that could help me answer my question and the following lines are  one of those pieces ive found.” Rent is so expensive in NYC because of the convenience – it just allows renters to raise the price, whereas in places like Arizona doing things is less convenient so renters charge less for places.The reason some places are less expensive than New York is because NY Has everything and demand is just higher in NY than in any other place.” These lines give me a big amount of information since it basically sum up why NYC is so expensive in a couple sentences and gives the reasons why, which is because NYC has it all transportation, diversity, job opportunity, and is a traveler friendly environment.

Another main piece of evidence I found on this article is that another main reason why NYC is expensive is because there are many activities you could do in the city, we could see the article adress this when the author said.” New York City is full of fun things to do. You can go see a really expensive movie for around $16 a ticket. Although movies are very expensive, movie theaters within NYC are at a very nice quality.” These lines further conclude on answering my question by showing how many people know that New York is a place were you could do many stuff and is why many tourist come visit the big apple every year, because there is always something you could do in NYC in any time of the day, from this article ive actually solved most of my questions on why prices are increasing on NYC all gye time and is because there are many factors that contribute and all those factors are constantly increasing which make rent increase as well.

1 Comment

  1. Ashani Ferguson

    You have an interesting topic not many people think about when moving to New York. The way you organize your information from the source to your points is very impressive the only think I would recommend is to watch over your spelling otherwise you’re on a great path.

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