Business, Fox, director. Bringing Home Economics Back to School Curriculums . Bringing Home Economics Back to School Curriculums, Fox Business, 16 Nov. 2016,

Summary : This interview talks about the reasons why Home Economics is essential for our lives . In the beginning , It is mentioned on what is not being taught . These important things our society needs to have knowledge from learning basic cooking , reading leases , and sign a cellphone contract . The Founder of Seed Life Skills & Chef named Hugh Acheson wants to bring back Home Economics because he finds it as a “easy fit into class structure ” .  He sets examples such as cooking and real life Necessities we need to learn . Acheson’s goal is to give the student body options . The person interviewing decides to ask on what can stop getting the program Acheson is proposing into other schools . One of his points of views are that the home economics course would differ ,  It would not be considered standardized testing like most courses students take in schools , Scores would not take place . The Home Economics class would be an elective which will be easy to get in .
Reflection : I agree with Hugh Acheson thoughts about Home Economics .  He demonstrates how everything that will be taught in the Home economics class will be valuable in your life by cooking and more .  In addition , Acheson tells us on how the course will be structured in education . His given information on how this doesn’t play effect in academics will relief students who want to get good scores so other schools can see what their strengths and weaknesses are . It would also give students to feel more confident as he wants to give students more options in their education . Other examples given by the person who is interviewing Acheson tells us that he is putting experiences and food together in one combination .
Quotes : ” None of Us Really Don’t Cook Anymore ” is said by the Chef and Founder of Seed Life Skills Hugh Acheson . This quote made me realize on how the future generation are not putting any dedication to learn anything useful that will be used within their lives later on , When they are going through a new transition such as moving away to college , buying a house , or even marriage .
Another Quote I found quite touching is ” There some thing’s that we learn in school that we never forget ” because Acheson Tells us if he taught us how to cook something we will always remember it no matter if it is successful or not .