Wong Shellley. “Benefits of Science and Technology” YouTube. (October 31, 2015)

This is a 4 minute video, that’s aesthetically pleasing and obvious, that puts into perspective how technology has shaped our lives. They show a clip on transportation, how easy it is to get to school by bus and train. Living in New York, we see how far technology has changed our city, and therefore our livelihood. As well as the plane for long distance. At first, I was thinking about social media and the phone, but this helped me realize how technology really impacts us today, to the extent where we explore different planets and areas in space. To think how many diseases and forms of treatment have been discovered and cured thanks to technology inventions, and the opportunity to find out more rehabilitative methods for the sick. Of course they mention communication, and how easy it is to reach someone. No more letters or waiting, now you can receive a text, call, email, Skype, and much more. They also mention the crime system and how they can identify delinquents. Technology has greatly improved in the justice system, such as records, lie detectors, and cameras.  It has even improved the education system, information is collected by the touch of a button.  Classrooms are filled with smart boards and PowerPoint slides, no more chalk boards. It’s an easy and efficient way to learn, when your assignments and lesson plans are saved on your drive. It also saves time with your resources, when you ask your parents for a definition, they don’t say look it up in the dictionary, they say look it up on the internet. The printer is also a great invention, that helps with reading, and transcribing information, imagine doing it all by hand! The video even mentions a 3D printer, actual items are made before your eyes.

This video isn’t bored on with facts and numbers, but was a helpful video on perspective. You get so used to the environment and don’t realize how different our lives would’ve been without technology. Though it is always evolving and inventing new ways to prosper our lives.  I think this helps our generation if we think about how we change the future. I am interested in the benefits, though I know disadvantages are great, as with anything in life. But curiosity feeds creativity and discovery for a better world.

”Our life standards have increased. Many diseases can be cured now.”