Choices-In-Schools, Healthy Food. “Cooking with Kids in Schools: Why It Is Important.” Healthy Food Choices in Schools, 13 June 2019,

The blog written by Healthy Food Choices In Schools illustrates the main points on how cooking is beneficial for students to learn . It was first demonstrated on a survey on how older children have gained knowledge of skills and have the ability to make their own meals .  But the younger ones consume foods differently . The writer’s intentions are to obtain younger children into learning cooking skills early to learn healthier eating habits . The benefits of cooking will be using senses , communication ,  and using real life skills . What is being taught which are guaranteed as a benefit is the use senses which are known as smell , touch, and taste  . The activities are kneading , tossing , pouring ,cutting , and feeling food.  The main benefit for Younger Children is communication  , It is one of the important skills everyone needs to obtain . Students who are learning to cook in schools will gain social skills by working together in the kitchen . This can happen if they are working to accomplish a dish that needs to be due on time ! Another benefit will be the use of real life skills , Younger kids will bring along math skills in the kitchen by counting , weighing , measuring ,and tracking time . This demonstrates that cooking has math content as well !  Science is also mentioned as an outcome of real life skills for the reason nutrition will be understood as students prepare food !

I agree to the blog because it recognizes the use of cooking classes . The quote ” Children learn lifetime skills through practicing basic math skills such as counting, weighing, measuring, tracking time; they also gain social skills by working together and communicating in the kitchen ” informs us that what we have been taught in school will be useful in the cooking journey . It should not be considered only as ” Hands On ” , They are many more math skills in cooking .  One of the questions I have is how science is a major part of cooking ?  Science teaches us about nutrition ,  Is sanitation in the kitchen part of science ?  I feel that this is another thing to look for because the only thing I know from sanitation is that foods can not contain any pathogens because it can lead to a person getting sick .  If I could say something to the author would be to be more precise on how these skills are what schools should remain to use ?  This document gives me more information on how beneficial it is to learn cooking in schools by stating real life skills and can lead to a healthier life .  The author’s writing style , awareness of audience , purpose and choice affects the meaning and credibility because of it’s need to add more expression into the subject .

Quotes : ” Cooking in schools can build positive memories that promote future healthy, enjoyable cooking elsewhere. ” I agree on the most . The skills be taught can lead you to many opportunities outside of school such as actual kitchens . Or A special focus on pursing a culinary arts or pastry degree in the future at a special school .