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Why do many people in the world like to keep pets?

About 20 minutes


Topic:Why do many people in the world like to keep pets?

Many people in the world have pets, and we all know that pets make us feel warm. But why do pets make us feel warm? Sometimes we feel stressed or depressed. It is a great comfort to have a company at such times. Pets can’t talk, you can say anything to them and they will accompany you silently. That’s why most people keep pets. Imagine coming home from a bad, busy day and seeing your pet waiting for you at home. Do you feel healed? Pets can reduce people’s loneliness.


I want to know something about why people like to keep pets. How exactly pets influence our lives? What pets really mean to us, and what we mean to pets. Can keep pets change people? How pets change people. The relationship between pets and humans.


When you have a dog, it means that your dog may help you get more exercise, effectively promoting physical health in humans. Pets can reduce stress. Cortisol is a hormone activated by stress, and studies have found that being around animals can decrease cortisol levels. For this reason, many offices are starting to allow employees to bring dogs to work, and some universities are letting students borrow dogs during stressful times of the year. Pets have even become a form of therapy, effective in treating depression and other mood disorders and helping patients reconnect with society. Some trained pets can protect humans and warn people before they are in danger.

8 Health benefits of having a pet


  1. nelson checo

    I agree with you because I think that is a great topic to talk about since many also has the same question

  2. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Tian-what a good idea! Maybe you could ask a question like “How do pets help people deal with stress or depression?” I think this has a lot of potential and is something we’d all like to know more about.

  3. Javier Arias

    This is really interesting because I didn’t know pets are effective in treating depression and mood disorders

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