Curiosity comes up in several ways , It can begin with a question . But then a decision comes along the way ! We either choose to stand up and take the opportunity to ask or give out  questions and ideas .  Something I began to become interested as a kid was learning more about historical people who have impacted our world .  There were many individuals who were mentioned by my teacher , Every time there was details about that one person in a little book . I remember when I started school my teacher was reading a small book about our former president Barack Obama . This was the time where he became president ! He was known for the phrase ” Yes we can ! ” . Once I grew older , I started learning more about people in history context  . I have to admit I enjoyed all the lessons . In my mind , I wanted to learn about people of different culture like black individuals who made a huge turn into our lives . As you can see , I remained interested in this topic within years.  But one day my curiosity began to build more and more , I wanted an answer to my questions .  I took the chance to do it and I did it ! I asked a question in one of my classes  which was a request to add on more detail about Rosa Parks in a lesson . I did not get an answer , I saw actions but did not choose to speak up . This was the moment were I felt that my curiosity was not enough for the education system . Till this day , I feel that not only my curiosity should be important to the system what about others as well ! I have always felt that the system should provide black role models who changed our world in anything not just in history . It can be in sports, music , art , ANYTHING but they shouldn’t make anyone feel incomplete about their curiosities . It takes a person to stand up for their curiosity , We should never ask ourselves ” What if the curiosity we have is dumb ?”