A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

“A talk to teachers”

When James Baldwin said the following anecdote he was saying that he as a teacher would overturn any limitations set upon him by the administration. He would go out of his way to teach the student what isn’t taught. Whether it’s pleasant or unpleasant he believes that the student should have a right to to be curious. America’s history taught in the American education limits its teachings from being rich in diversity due to the restrictions imposed. When he says “The world Is larger” I believe he is saying that America limits its history to portray itself as a trustworthy strong country that does right by its citizens. On the contrary it’s actually the opposite, Eurasian views differ from how we view ourselves.  One example that isn’t talked about as often during the Cold War topic in history, Operation Northwoods was suggested to JFK to conduct various Nefarious attacks on U.S citizens by the CIA and then they’d pin it on Cuba conducting the terrorist attacks. I believe I have a necessity to learn about any country’s history, the good & the bad. I have an obligation  to learn more about the perspective of another country’s perception of the one I reside in, to learn more about business. I want to learn those two topics because business is such a broad subject you can learn to be financially situated in today’s economy through various methods. Learning another country’s perception of the one I reside in can allow me to further question the country I reside in. Is the “American dream” a reality? Is this land really “The land of the free & home of the brave? I believe that education in general no matter what country you go learn from is biased. Which is why I love immersing myself in World history and U.S history. 

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Joel, I agree with you 100%. It is absolutely necessary to know all of our history, and not just the things that others decide we should learn. The more educated we become, the better able we are to see through any biases that might exist.

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