In the article ” A Talk To Teachers ” by James Baldwin talks about the education system throughout racism realities in the time but from what I’ve seen lately it still remains to happen today not in school but just in the world itself . We are so many people in the world , History has been a factor that has contributed on  how the world became as it is right now .  What do I mean by history ? The word can mean so much . History in events or Individuals who created a change or a brand new start to everything we love now . When Baldwin says ” The world is larger ” I feel that he is trying to prove that there are more people than the american history , YES they have provided us on our culture ! But so did black figures in every way possible that we can think of .  In perspectives , I wish I were taught more about black history . I realized they were not mentioned as much as American History . The people I know who are role figures are Martin Luther King JR , Rosa Parks , Harriet Tubman , and Jackie Robinson . I want to learn more about them like what was their life like or more details about them that we the audience do not know about .  In the other hand , I know that there are more people who should be mentioned in history or any class in general . Let’s say for art class , What Can I learn ? Who were the first black painters or If they have  joined  in collaborations in any other areas besides art . What about Physical Education Classes ? Sports are a big part for everyone who plays on the daily and are fans of any sport like soccer , baseball , softball ,or basketball .  Things that can be taught is how the athletes made it to where they are now and more . They main focus is that these role figures should always be talked about in the education world and the real world as well !