I am currently in my 3rd period class of my senior year in high school I thought it was going to be a normal lesson and leave to go home, but today it wasn’t like that, the teacher seem pretty stressed about something and the class noticed the stress on him so we decided to ask why he was stressed and he responded with school and money and we as a class thought he meant school as in his job, but we was wrong he was currently was studying to finish his master on the topic he teaches on so he could go to a private school so he has a better pay since high school public school salary didn’t make the cut for him, and we were surprised on why a person like him with all the knowledge he has on the school system was struggling in school, but it wasn’t school that was stressing him out it was on paying his student debt, the teacher told us to stop doing whatever he assigned us to do and little did I know I was about to hear the most deepest conversation I had with a teacher, he placed his seat in the middle of the class and sat down and told us whoever wants to listen to what he was about to say they could pay attention and if they don’t care about what he has to say they could use their phone but asked them to be quiet, he waited for a bit and after he saw the whole class was paying attention he started talking, he told us that we were on our final stages of happiness and we asked him why and he said because during college and after college life is not going to be easy he told us to enjoy our youth go party and do the things you want to do because after college we would experience what life truly is, he told us we would have to look for a job, a place to stay since we dont want to be 21 and be living with our parents , buy a car and insurance and all that grown up stuff, he said while in college look for other stuff that we like to do or to learn that would help us earn money, because we always don’t want to rely our job as our only income because if we just rely on that we would just be in a cycle just to expect a check to pay stuff and be left with 200 or 500 to yourself, he said create other sources of income that colleges don’t teach you because at the end of the day college just teach you the skills and the knowledge of a topic that you pick to learn , they don’t teach you how to get a job how to invest and in some instances they don’t even teach you how to so your own  taxes he told us the only way we could be financial free is if you make connections and learn new skillset that could make you a lot of money, or unless you become a doctor which is hard and takes time and apart from that be ready to go in debt for 300,000+, after he said for you to become successful in life you have to become someone you dream to be not be what people or the system wants you to be.