A City Tech OpenLab Course Site


Q1:”Identify differences and similarities in structure and organization, how content is deal with vocabulary, sentence structure and tone.”

A1: Identifying and knowing the difference of the genre and the structure of writing helps you to improve make the message you are trying to send through your text and to whom you want to send the message to more clear making more people understand what you’re saying in the text and having a connection with them

Q2:”Genre awareness helps us meet the expectation of our audience.”

A2:If you have good genre awareness you have a good knowledge on how to send a message and to connect with different or a specific group of people through your text since you know how to specific your audience preferences

Q3:”There are difference forces acting on text genre which are centrifugal force and centripetal force, which means no text are exactly alike .”

A3:The forces acting on every writing genre are different since there are a lot of components that makes every writing different from another one the two forces that separate what type of text each writing is centrifugal force and centripetal force, this two classify and specify each text by the way is written

Q4:”Knowing different types of genres would help you increase your writing skills to write for different types of audiences.”

A4:Knowing the different types of genres would help you in your writings skills because, you know what people you are writing the text for and what they like which make the reader have more connect with the writer making them like your writings, because is something they like and are looking for.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Well done! It is helpful to understand the genre, I agree. It helps you to know what might be expected.

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