The article ” Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing ” written by Jose Olivarez sent me an important message to myself and when it comes to writing / genres. I love his story; it relates to me because my family comes from another country. Although I did not live Ecuador , I comprehend Jose’s emotions of feeling like he did not belong for the reason many Latinos in society today have a difficult time and asking themselves ” Is this where I belong ” Am I In the right place ??  Jose’s background story motivates me to write a piece myself just like he did! But in order to know what we are going to write, we as writers need to find special recipe to obtain our goal. From what I have read I feel that one of ingredients is to express yourself. Why you ask?  Jose Olivarez finds this a way to answer your own questions that you feel need to be addressed but in literature format. Another Ingredient I found was to do some research with the help of the audience, A writing piece always must target the reader. How can this be done? Easy talk to any peers or friends and see what they think about your creativity.  Throughout this process, there will be questions in the way when it comes to writing.  What type of techniques do I have to use to obtain my audience?  One of biggest concerns is not receiving any sort of attention to my ideas as a writer or what if my words do not make a difference into the world of literature itself.  I have had experiences in school where I was told that my writing techniques are not as convincing to the reader, in other words change my writing to make it more interesting. But from all the assignments that has been assigned, I am starting to learn many new things I did not know at all before. I can always take feedback in order to have a better thinking just like Jose did.