A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author’s Statement

My topic question was about how the beauty industry keeps failing black women. I have always been interested in beauty and makeup. I wanted to do some research that I was very interested in and that I believe a lot of women are also interested in. The inspiration that led me to write about this subject would be Rihanna. After reading about her brand, Fenty Beauty, I discovered that she made 40 shades of foundation for all skin types, and I was amazed, but it also made me wonder why other brands are not doing the same thing. This prompted me to write about the subject. The reason I chose this topic was that I had a lot of friends who were struggling to pick the right cosmetics that fit their skin. This frustrates me because they haven’t been able to feel beautiful with their makeup done. I chose white women and the beauty industry as well as makeup companies as my audience because they don’t want to make any adjustments to this issue because they don’t fully understand all black women who use their voices to get them to do what’s right and make changes. I’ve chosen to write in the genre that I did because they can use the numerous examples and links I’ve given to fully understand the problem. This will give them an insight into my thoughts, but also facts, information, and statistics through videos, magazines, websites, etc. The purpose of this piece is to make known the voices, challenges, and stories of black women who are struggling to find the right products for them in the beauty industry. My aim is to get to my audience and have information so that there can be more progress in the beauty industry. I want my audience to take advantage of these facts and sources given to obtain more facts about this issue, which is something that needs to be talked about, particularly because young black women need to grow up and have someone who looks like them as an inspiration and someone to look up to. My choices of the genre are my personal written statements and information, a video explaining my topic, a blog, and an article. These were my preference of genres because they will keep readers engaged and gain knowledge of the subject as well. This was the best way to reach out to my audience because I added my own thoughts and added facts, statistics, and articles about the experiences of black women. This will allow them to truly appreciate their struggle and their emotions. What I think I should have done better would be to look at more choices for genres to be included in order to provide more details and different views. However, I still believe I have been able to achieve my goal and reach out to my audience. I was able to speak about the issue and make the voices of black women heard and understood which is the first reason why I chose to write about this topic.

1 Comment

  1. Jacobo Cabrera

    I liked that this article shows the truth of something that we don’t even think about, at least me as a man I would’ve never researched about this topic but seeing this gives a different point of view. I got from this reading that there is still some kind of discrimination in the fashion industry, I guess this discrimination is towards black women. I found the introduction really interesting because it caught my attention right away and I felt interested in the topic. I got confused at the beginning because are only black women struggling or other races have this kind of problem too? I wanted to know more about it because like I said this is a topic that I knew nothing about and I like to learn new. Overall, I really liked it because it was very informative and understandable, I like when you actually say that you want to engage with the audience, to get their attention because it is true the article truly engages the audience ” These were my preference of genres because they will keep readers engaged and gain knowledge of the subject as well.”

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