A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Artist’s Statement

For creation, a lot of things are unknown. Even for me, the author of the project. I chose to do a video as the project. In fact, this is not easy for me, it could be a challenge. I’m a student and I haven’t been touching things about the video clips. As I said before, a lot of things are unknown, I need to realize and learn. But why did I chose to do the project as a video? First, I think it is an effective way to get information. Second, it may be more attractive than other genres. This is a very creative work, requires tons of wild imagination. In general, I should know what am I going to do and think about is an effective approach to my expectation. I only have a general direction for the video architecture, and I have no idea how is the final result will be. I found I can understand my audience, first ensure who will watch my video which is who is the audience. And then, I use their point of view to think, how is the video can be more acceptable. Maybe I can add some light music or some warm picture and short videos, so I can bring the audience into my rhythm. I can also find something useful in the article I have done, such as that film A Street Cat Named Bob, which I think fits my topic very well. I may choose some scenes to use in my video. Or I can search on the internet about the experience to make a video and some similar videos as I’m going to do. So if when I stuck, I can something to reference, and avoid some mistakes that they have. I also have difficulty, if I use a video to support my topic, it means I have to add some voice-over explanation from me. But I don’t know how to make my voice more natural in the video. During the production process, even I feel my voice cant blend into the video, it’s very inconsistent which is my trouble. I’m still trying to figure it out. Even though there are some troubles, I stuck to my topic. The reason promotes me to choose this topic is I think this is a topic that can make people feel warm, make people feel soft. Especially now, the situation of the world is not well, a lot of people quarantine at home. So people’s negative emotions tend to explode. Loneliness, sadness, and helplessness are emotions that many people have to face. Even hospitals are overwhelmed. I think people need an effective way to deal with stress. To help us get through this together.


I hope that after people look at my project, they will seriously consider implementing something. Now there are only a few ways to vent, if you keep ignoring it, one day will erupt. Just like a dam bursting. I hope my project can persuade some people, or give some people a clear direction, let them know an effective way. I haven’t finished it yet, but so far, my project is on track. Maybe I need more time to perfect it. And there’s one thing I’d like to share with all producers. When you are stuck, go find some similar things, not for copy, for find an idea.


  1. Ashani Ferguson

    I actually enjoyed reading your statement, it make me curious and anxious to see your video. What is your topic? Doing a video is not easy, so seeing that you have an organized plan is exciting. I also like how in your last couple of sentences you related your topic to a current event and it can be seen as “healing or comfort”. Good luck!

  2. Jacobo Cabrera

    I liked how your statement was intriguing and it made me wonder what is it gonna be. I learned from reading this that you don’t always have to announce your topic you can just create “hype”. I found the beginning very intriguing. I got a little confused at the beginning because you said that you don’t always have to state the topic so that confused me but as I kept reading I realized that it kinda makes it more interesting for it to be a surprise. Of course, I wanna know more about it! I think one of the most important things before doing the project is collecting information and you actually did say that the most important thing first was collecting info ” First, I think it is an effective way to get information. “

  3. Frida Martinez

    I really like that you mentioned “Even hospitals are overwhelmed. I think people need an effective way to deal with stress to help us get through this together.” Before that sentence, you described the type of emotions people go through. I wasn’t really sure what your topic was about, but from reading I assume it’s about ways to cope with negative feelings. I am also creating a video. I suggest you begin the video with simple questions. It will catch the attention of the audience. Questions such as “Why do we feel these emotions”…. “What can help us deal with this”. This way you are able to create curiosity in the viewer’s mind. This video will help a lot of people.

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