A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Artist’s Statement

For this project, my topic is why more black programs and studies should be placed in high schools. I believe this topic doesn’t receive as much attention as it should because it is apart of why the education system is failing many students, especially those of color. Since the beginning of high school, I always wondered why black studies were not taught in the education system. In history, students must learn the same stories of Christopher Columbus sailing the ocean blue, Albert Einstein helping develop the world’s first atomic bomb, and the life of Louis the thirteenth. Never once was I given the opportunity to learn about people of color and their successes in life until my freshman year of college. Learning this new information changed my views on how I see the world. I believe every student, no matter what race, should be given the opportunity to retain this information as well. In my piece, I hope to catch the attention of teachers, principals, and anyone else who plays a part in the education system because those are the only people who can make a change to this issue. As far as my project, it is going well. I believe that the use of doing a TED talk makes my points more clear to my audience. I have encountered some issues because since I’m doing a video, edits have to be made, and I am not a very good editor. However, I am proud of the way my video is turning out. I do have two clips I  intend to include in my video. I have to screen record and trim them, so I know exactly where to place them. I hope that my audience finds my message as clear and not all over the place cause that would get confusing. 


1 Comment

  1. Frida Martinez

    Hi Ashani, I am very intrigued by this topic. I definitely agree with you. Throughout my schooling years, I never really learned about many people of color. The only two people that I could recall were Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. Even though these two individuals created change in American society, schools proceed to mention their downfall and not their successes. I see these two as very inspiring historical figures. I did a little research of my own and found out about an individual named Frederick D. Patterson. He was the first black man to own and operate an automobile company. It’s crazy how the school doesn’t mention this type of information. I like that you said, “I believe every student, no matter what race, should be given the opportunity to retain this information as well.” Your TED talk will be informative and educational to the viewers.

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