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Discussion Forum Jacob

For this project my topic was school uniforms, I feel people don’t talk about this topic, this topic is important because the use of uniforms is starting to spread more and more around schools around the United States. This is a practice that I had to do for some years, and I never liked it, but I believe the reason why I did not like it, is because no one ever explained to me why we had to wear them or what was the meaning behind it. So, I want to explain to students that have to wear uniforms why they have to wear them so they don’t feel like wearing those uniforms is just a non-sense. The way I wanna approach my topic is by doing a podcast where I wanna bring two people to talk about the topic. My stand on the topic is going to be totally neutral I am just going to give the pros and cons, history about the topic, and general information, therefore the other two integrants are the ones that are going to give their opinion on the topic. I think, so far I have the idea of what I want to do but I haven’t worked on a script yet because I want to do some improvisation I don’t want to sound like I am reading from a paper so it feels more natural, but I still have to create like the segments so I have a timeline to follow and it doesn’t feel like I don’t know what I am talking about. I am proud that my idea is really interesting and at the same time, I am excited about the topic which means that I am going to do a better job, whenever I have a project and I like the topic I tend to put more effort into it. I do not think I need help so far but if I ever have questions I know I can ask my professor or the people from my group. One thing that some times worry me is the fact that this is a topic that can be really boring but this is why I wanna try to make it as interesting as possible, I think the best way to get peoples’ attention is by keeping it fresh like I said to follow a small timeline and script but also use improv. Right now what I am going to work on is figuring out the topics, I already know some of them but I have to organize it so it makes sense. What I have done for the timeline so far is, history of the uniforms, then I want to talk about the pros and cons, then let the other two participants say what they think about the pros and cons, maybe they can agree in pro but then disagree and this is where I can start asking more questions to get deeper to their reasoning, once that is done I wanna talk about the rules to implement uniforms, like how they are implemented in a way that it’s fair for the students and parents. The two integrants are probably going to be ex-classmates I had, I have been in many schools so I have had to wear uniforms and I have not had to, I think bringing to participants like that is gonna make more genuine because they are going to share ideas with other people that also think like them.


  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Wow! A discussion on uniforms seems really interesting. I also had to wear a uniform when I was younger, and it was always such a pain. I just didn’t get why we had to wear one. When I was little, I didn’t care, but when I got older it really bothered me.

  2. Javier Arias

    I think it a great idea that your going to have 2 people in your project talk about their opinions on wearing school uniforms, it makes the topic more engaging. a podcast is a pretty good genre to spread out the pros and cons on wearing school uniforms and why its important for students to use them.

  3. Katherine

    I find your topic very interesting because its something not many people would speak about, I also did not like wearing uniforms nor understood why it was mandatory. Its a great idea that you are going to ask class mates for their opinions, thats going to be very interesting and helpful. I liked that you said ” I want to explain to students that have to wear uniforms why they have to wear them so they don’t feel like wearing those uniforms is just a non-sense” i believe we all deserve an explanation to why we all had to look the same lol.

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