A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Rough Draft +Short Review Memo

Rough Draft

Home Economics was one of my first choices to write about . Especially throughout this unit where everyone has received the opportunity to express themselves in their writing pieces . I have heard about Home Economics in my high school journey , even in the start of it . The first time Home Economics was mentioned , I was a freshman . My English teacher always talked about being prepared for the future . She constantly said High school will go quickly without you even knowing it . But in that time , I was careless . One day in class , she began talking about her senior year experience . In my mind , I was telling myself that is not going to happen anytime soon . Then , I hear the course Home Economics and how it was a cool experience for everyone . The class covered different categories such as cooking , health , sewing , Family development and more . Being a carless teen myself , I became invested and asked myself why it all stopped . These are skills that we need to learn for the future.  If we can learn the subjects such as English , Math , Science , Or History , We can learn Home Economics skills . Anyone can remember what is taught to them , It takes time and dedication to learn . To illustrate my thoughts about Home Economics . I decided to create a comic . I find them entertaining for any reader even if it is long or short . My first thoughts were to write a text but I want to be able to make my audience see their options of choosing a school course in a unique way . The audience I am focusing on are High school students , I feel that they should learn the basics of life because they are a step closer to entering adulthood . The purpose of my piece is to give students an idea of how the Home Economics curriculum works and it’ s outcomes . Creating A comic was one of the best choices to pick for my topic ! I plan to obtain my audience by using this genre to give them a hint on how Home Economics is a useful skill . This course will teach you about basic life skills such a cooking , sewing , Health , Family Development and More than you can think of . Students will not be only learning  but within time they will gain confidence towards the end of the course . If you take it , all the skills you learned will get you prepared to raise a family or sustain yourself . Even if you go to college upstate or not , these skills are still important to learn so you won’t have to live with fear of not being ready to start adulthood or rely on someone constantly . From what I have seen looking over my composition , I feel proud because my piece shows a defined meaning of how Home Economics functions . The way I included an attention getter in the start of my comic was to show how students can have a moment where they ask themselves how life is after graduating . Or even have realizations that they are growing up and need to be prepared to learn life skills as soon as possible . And at the end , I used happiness to wrap the story up for the reason students will be ready to face life no matter the circumstances !

Short Review Memo

  1. Here is why I wrote about Home Economics as a comic , the message towards my topic is to present Home Economics to my audience and talk about the courses available for everyone . I also intend to describe the courses worth and its results . All I hope is to blend with my audience who are high school students , I want to convince about the importance of Home EC classes .
  2. I believe my project is going perfectly fine , the only problem I am facing is making it eye catching but with adding colors , cute icons , and designs will become a game changer . I think my work is well developed , using a comic website that has been provided has been a useful tool where I can see other works as an example to make my work unique . I am glad of the time I have invested on finishing this project
  3. I think that adding a character into a comic and using it to present Home Economics is a cool idea . My audience won’t only find it informative but find the short story interesting enough to get them to sign up for Home Economics in their next semester . One of the things I find confusing is the limit of pages for the comic , I made it short, so my audience won’t consider it boring ! We all know students can get difficult at reading long texts . Each section is organized in a good order , it indicates an attention getter and the course slowly gets introduced throughout the story . I have not used any information from the readings but used video sources presented in class to help me sort out my genre . I would give myself the chance to go over it and see If I have made any errors.


1 Comment

  1. Ashani Ferguson

    Great topic! I always wanted to take a home economics class however, my high school never offered probably because it was a performing arts school that mainly focused on art, dance, music, and drama. As a young women I believe learning skills like cooking, sewing and child care is important because those are the “typical skills” a woman has to know. You sound like you are almost done with your project and is proud of the outcome. Doing a comic strip is creative because it will definitely draw people’s eyes instead of numerous words on a paper.

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