A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Proposal for unit 3

CBT has been proven to be the most effective treatment for insomniacs. Insomnia is a misconceived sleep disorder and to discover an effective treatment is medically revolutionary. The audience I’m trying to reach is those who are suffering with insomnia. With this audience I can inform them on effective treatment they can receive and alternative methods if the treatments aren’t accessible. I intend on writing a newspaper. I chose this genre because I can display all the information I need such as statistics, facts and information about treatment. With the genre being a newspaper I can expand on my topic and cover various subcategories. I intend on getting started by learning the format of a newspaper. With this in mind I can properly construct a professional one. I also intend on learning the structure used in newspapers. Learning the average word count on a newspaper can also broaden my information I’m displaying. With all these key concepts learnt I plan to gather all my information & statistics and put them in a proper format. I’m worried about the average word limit as I don’t want to lose my audience with repetitive information. I want to get my audience’s attention from beginning to end. I’m also worried about the way I go on approaching the project. With all these preparations in mind I have to manage my time properly. My concerns about finishing the project are that: I won’t have any work to do that I genuinely enjoy. This class offers freedom to choose your own topics & allows for enjoyment with every assignment. My final concern is that I’d do bad. I doubt myself a lot and half the time I feel I can do better however, I’m blind when reviewing my own work and recognizing those mistakes that could’ve been fixed.


  1. jayda

    I think it is an excellent idea to have your genre as a newspaper article. I do question whether you are doing a online news article of a old fashion one. Your plan to execute your topic through your research is spot on! As for worrying about the word count maybe try to summarize and check the amount of words you have by using a word count. Even though you may or may not have a lot on your plate, always try to take a 10 minute break or a power nap. Power naps our honestly the best. Also we all think about whether we would do bad or good on a assignment but just but your best foot forward and take it one step at a time.

  2. Dominique Echevarre

    I’m interested in your topic. Insomnia seems to be very medical or biological but I could see you relating to teenagers who can’t sleep. I understand you want it to be interesting from beginning to end. I’m wondering how to make my own work authentic and snappy. I don’t think you should come at like a homework assignment or research paper. I didn’t read my high school paper religiously but I remember the other kids being a little witty and light in their writings. Maybe you don’t have to be so serious in your work, I think if you are having fun in your topic, we won’t get bored either. I think a newspaper visually, is very cool and has that vintage vibe, like polaroids or vinyl records. Your font could be very creative too, your heading and subtitles could all be different sizes and styles. You seem to have a lot of room to be creative yet still informative and factual. Maybe you could refer to young adults going through insomnia, we’re usually relatable and comical in a short time when interviewed. You could refer to the biological process like a short story, put in characters too. Hope it was helpful.

  3. Genesis

    Hey! Your chosen topic is interesting, and I find it cool you are planning to mention important details of it in a newspaper. You can do research by looking at publications such as News Medical, Science Daily , New York Times , and U.S News & World Report . Use certified specialist that have experience with patients who are going through Insomnia, Pharmacists too because you can illustrate on how treatment is formulated with its dosages . Most importantly have a mini interview with the patience who either recovered with the outcome you mentioned works well too . One of the concerns you may use as a form to narrow the audience you are aiming for is by stating : You believe that people suffering with Insomnia need different treatment , When they can receive an effective one ! Go further with the treatments by giving detail about each one . And the use of your information such as statistics, try to use colorful graphs . Color attracts audience a lot and use images! Once you start your newspaper think about opening phrases, prevent using bland words . A good way to edit your piece is by using word! I feel that it fixes any simple errors you may have which could be fixed in a few clicks. Last but not least for your heading of the newspaper use a cool font that also makes a person invested . Hope my comment helps 🙂

  4. Katherine

    Hey Joel,
    I am extremely interested and excited to read your newspaper article because this is a topic that I believe not many people have enough knowledge about. Maybe you could read some articles on the New York Times to get an idea of the outline 🙂 this will definitely help. I like that you have chosen your genre as a newspaper article i believe this will keep the audience focused on the topic. Maybe even a statement from someone that has gone on trial with CBT. Wish you good luck with this project, you got this!

  5. Javier Arias

    I think its great that your doing a newspaper which would be a source that will reach to more people, but I also think your audience should also be doctors, so they can be aware that there are other alternative treatments. You can probably search up if their was an experimental study or naturalistic observation on CBT and other treatments for insomnia to see which one worked best over time.

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