A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Writing a new Genre

For my unit 2 assignment, I wrote about why hasn’t the curriculum changed to reflect contributions to the world made by other people besides white Europeans and how more black studies programs should be placed in earlier grades, exceptionally high schools. I chose this topic because I find this to be an overlooked issue in today’s society. In my writing, I was mainly speaking to faculty in schools and high representatives that play a role in the education system. I chose these people as my audience because this is an issue that only teachers, principles, and officials can change. If a change is to happen, it has to start within the classroom, the hallways, and the administration office. Students need to feel as though their voices matter. The best way I believe in presenting my information to this audience is by doing a TED talk. I make a video explaining the facts of this issue and how it’s hindering students’ education. While using my information from unit two, I can also add images and clips that I recently discovered while browsing the week.


1 Comment

  1. Genesis

    Hi, I am happy that you are planning to a TED TALK , I find their videos very informative for my Hospitality Management class . I agree with you the curriculum should definitely change , in my academic life it was based on Europeans too and when educators did talk about black individuals the lessons were quite short . I always wanted to learn to the extend too . A publication you can look towards too is New York Times ! They maintain to talk about the education system ! I feel that you can add a bit of your experience too because that will give your audience a moment to relate and realize if they have noticed what you think too ! Narrow down what black studies program you are looking towards for schools to add on throughout the system . Use students to investigate on what they are planning to gain from the program ! You also mention a change that will play affect in the school settings worldwide , You can also propose after school programs that can take place a few times a week so students who are really invested to learn have the chance to gain more knowledge . Mention Special clubs like government ! Add pictures of what students will learn the curriculum maybe by videos or textbooks , also give students to be interviewed during the ted talk . You can first start off mentioning the curriculum and how it is normally formed in schools!

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