A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

unit 3

At the end of unit 2, I decided that the next generation is the appropriate audience to hear about climate change. I believe that the next generation is the appropriate audience because it is their future and we are not taught enough about climate change in school to make a change. I think the genre that would be best to reach this audience is a report because I believe that when you have solid proof like a report it would be easier to convince people about climate change. In my opinion, it is better to use a report therefore they have the evidence they need to believe in science first and climate change. I want to write about what is climate change and show the evidence that climate change is real, and it is happening, ways the next generation can start to slow down global warming and stopping it. Also, a strategic way to use words where it will not bore the audience and make them understand what exactly is being said.


  1. Ashani Ferguson

    You chose a great topic and have your idea planned out well however, I have a few questions. Do you believe that the only audience this topic needs to be addressed to is the next generation? Climate change is something that is very near and no one (factory companies, government officials and many more) is taking into consideration. I believe all ages should be taught why this topic is so important. Also what kind of report do you want to do? Will it be a blog, essay or a big writing section in a newspaper? Using information and statics is very vital so people really do open their eyes. Most importantly try to use images like a chart for example cause graphic would always catch your audience attention.

  2. Frida Martinez

    Hi. Great topic. Climate change is a very important issue that people should be aware of. I agree with what Ashani commented on above. I would like to suggest that you can also create a video representation discussing this matter and incorporate images and statistics. I believe visual information can attract more audience. You can start by educating people on what is climate change and then discuss how it affects all of us. It does not only negatively impact us humans, but animals go through more obstacles when it comes to climate change. Natural disasters such as storms, heatwaves, rising sea levels, and melting glaciers harm animals. You can talk about Polar bears for example. You can even add a description under each topic you decide to talk about.

  3. Javier Arias

    Its great that you are trying to reach a younger audience which would be easier to convince them on why climate change is important. I feel that age really matters in this situation because its harder to convince older people since they are already convinced that they are right in what they believe in and probably won’t pay much attention. I do agree with Frida that should do a video, it would make the topic more engaging for students.

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