A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Podcast Idea

Jacobo Cabrera                

Podcast Idea

During unit 2 I talked about why schools around the United States are starting to implement uniforms, I also talked about the history behind uniforms, how schools implement them, the effects it had on European fashion. I think this is a topic intended for students that attend schools where they have to wear uniforms and they don’t like it or they do not understand why they have to wear that uncomfortable button-up shit. My intention with my research is to let people understand where uniforms come from and explain the reasoning behind it so they can come up with their own conclusions, I want to be impartial so people do not think the same way I do just because they were constantly hearing the bad things about the topic I want them to hear the whole story. So, because this is intended for students in high schools, elementary schools I don’t think just writing is a good idea, I think making a podcast where you can have two people discussing the topic and giving their own points of view can help make the topic less boring and make it a little more interesting. Like I said I plan to do it having a second person also using sound effects like music so it’s not boring and awfully boring.


  1. Genesis

    Nice Idea ! Audios are really a nice way to present a topic especially like this one . I also like the idea of you adding sound effects because just having it simple can bore your audience which can result to them not putting an interest . I think you can also maybe add some students opinions from the sides you know so we can see their experiences and what they believe etc

  2. Zhao

    This is a good idea, I think your audience must be students and parents. Most people wouldn’t think about why or how through one thing. So I think your style can be more specific and professional. So people would accept your work and think it is reliable. To collect comments from the crowd and use those comments to support your explanation. Then, it can be school news published on the school website. People will focus on that because this it the thing beside students.

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