A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Genre & Audience discussion

During unit 2 I talked about the latest discoveries for treating insomnia and how effective they are. I touched on the negatives of insomnia, what is universally offered to those with insomnia and breakthroughs made in research for a better treatment. This subject highlighted important information for those who suffer with insomnia. My target audience would be those who suffer from insomnia and are looking for current effective treatment. Those who have institutions offering CBT treatment within their area should take advantage of it. With CBT the individual can properly record their sleeping pattern and better themselves through psychological therapy. CBT has been shown to be a promising treatment however, practitioners in that field of work are scarce. My research is intended to inform those who have insomnia that there is alternative other than prescription drugs. It will offer them a new sense of reassurance as some people don’t like taking pills or the pills aren’t as effective. With this information they can gear themselves in the right direction regarding proper treatment. I want those with insomnia whether it’s chronic or acute to get the proper treatment that positively helps them go about their day better. With this intention of my audience being insomniacs, I think writing an article would be promising. An article can offer a wide array of information, facts and statistics. With an article I can emphasize the key points I learned throughout my own research. Videos regarding insomnia are scarce as an article can serve the same purpose and can be completed in a shorter time span. 


1 Comment

  1. Zhao

    This is a good idea, you talked about the latest discoveries for treating insomnia and how effective they are. The first thing that came to my mind is the medical journal is the best place for your topic. A lot of people like to read those journals to check their health. I think most of them are middle class. They have busy work and don’t have enough time to care else things. You can explain the reason for insomnia and the multiple treatment way.

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