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Source #3


There was a comment that really open my eyes to do better on this topic. ”

I liked the way you expressed yourself and used a video I LOVE WEARING JEANS especially in legging form ! It is cool on how you mention about jeans ! Keep up the good work
I do feel that you should add about many types of jeans we have today maybe a paragraph mention the jeans that are in today and back in the days as well .

Quote “Denim jeans have been a fashion staple for many years’ This quote is trying to say that jeans has always been a part of us in fashion . Look at how jeans changed they even became jackets we wear today . I chosed this because it reminds me of it’s evolution itself” This made understand more on things I can touch on more and fix my errors or add more to it.



Insider- August 11, 2018 ” How Jeans Took Over The World”. Can find this on “YouTube”


In this video it would explain all about the jeans and its generation. It would also talk about all the goods and bad things that come from it and how they manage to become the popular types of pants in the world. They will talk about all you need to know about jeans. This video will give a lot of information to people and educated them on this topic. They would mention on how ” Denim jeans have been a fashion staple for many years. But the way that they became an iconic piece of style history might be surprising”. This is real reliable source as well to learn  more information on it.


I agree with what they say in the video because as other sources describe jeans is pretty similar to it. They mostly do the same thing for all of them and its the same description. They also show an image of how they make them which is better for the view who is curious. This would come as a great example for the people who are trying to describe the process.


A quote that I really agree with is when they said” Fashion trends come and go, but denim are one item of clothing that will always be a staple in many closets”. Another one was when they said ” It’s the particular style of denim that changes year after year, some decades seeing a rise in baggy jeans, others full of tight, low-rise moments” this would show people that no matter what type of jeans it will still remain popular.

1 Comment

  1. Genesis

    I liked the way you expressed yourself and used a video I LOVE WEARING JEANS especially in legging form ! It is cool on how you mention about jeans ! Keep up the good work
    I do feel that you should add about many types of jeans we have today maybe a paragraph mention the jeans that are in today and back in the days as well .

    Quote “Denim jeans have been a fashion staple for many years’ This quote is trying to say that jeans has always been a part of us in fashion . Look at how jeans changed they even became jackets we wear today . I chosed this because it reminds me of it’s evolution itself

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