In this article the author talks about how California community college system is currently being affected for the decrease of students applying to college and how many community college are losing a big amount of students ever year, and ever since covid-19 happened many students are leaving since colleges are offering online class that some students could find online or some just don’t like the online style and prefer an In person learning, and how also the areas that are being most affected are the ones on the rural part of California and show how many college are losing 25 thousand students alone, which is a very concerning number since those numbers are predicted to go down even further due to covid-19.


As we can see California higher education system is currently being affected in major way since many students are opting out of college and now due to covid-19 that number might increase exponentially and the even worst part is that California is not the worst out of other states being affected another state that is Alabama, we could see this when the author mention In the text.” Nationally, community colleges are seeing what appear to be even more significant enrollment declines than California. The 24-campus Alabama Community College system, for example, has seen a 29% decline, and enrollments at the 14 community colleges in Pennsylvania are down anywhere from 3% to 30% this fall,”. As we could see from this portion of the text America as a whole is pretty much in a crisis for higher education and is really bad for us the future, because apart that we would have less specialist we are closing and destroying peoples dreams since either they cant afford college or a community college may not offer the career the student wants.


Overall this text is concluding my opinion and answering the current state the education system is currently in which is in danger since less people are interested in college which means the less funding the college would have, which is something to worried about because there are some people that really want an opportunity to grow but there are few options were they could chose from without spending loads of amount of money, I just hope after covid-19 things get better and people start enrolling to college for them to have more funding offering more opportunities to more people.