This article talks about the absurd amounts of people that have either left college or not enrolled for college is a very big amount that is something to worry about, the author also talks about how more Hispanics are attending to college than blacks, white and Asian and how they are most likely to graduate from college and go to work, and he also mentions how the main reason why people are not attending to college because people don’t see a big difference in their salary compared to their peers that just graduates college which makes it a big factor on their decision since they think why should I risk paying money to receive a couple of thousands more than my peers that just attended to highs school, which is a valid reason why not to attend but could be very affecting in the future since we would have less specialized people to complex work or if an another pandemic like this hits again and we won’t have enough doctors or nurses to helps us.


A very shocking fact that I’ve found the text which surprised me alot is when the author mention the number of people that has enrolled to college and left in the past two years, we could see him mention this in the second paragraph of the text,” Between 2012 and 2013, the Census Bureau reported last week, 463,000 fewer people were enrolled in college. In fact, this is the second year enrollment has fallen by that much, bringing the two-year total to 930,000 fewer college students, bigger than any drop before the recession.”. When the author mention this fact on the article I was really surprised because in two years pretty much a million of people have dropped out of college that’s a big amount of people that have left higher education which is very concerning because if at least half of those people graduated college we would have 450,000 specialized students suspecting If half of the people in that million graduates, but overall knowing this fact is very concerning since is a very big amount of people colleges are losing.


Overall I feel like this article has raised my concern and answered my question, since I gave me facts and stats about my question which is the amount of student s that has left college which is half a million per year, which is a very concerning number and the reason why people are opting out of college since there are not enough reason on why people should seek for higher education since is not that big difference in the pay from a person that graduates from high school, which like I said before is a very understandable decision as a personal level but over the time the less specialist we have the harder it would be for us to seek for help that would need someone with the knowledge and skills needed for complex work, but sadly the way to survive is by making money which is what makes people ditch college and focus on way to make money to live comfortably.