27, Allie Flinn・May. “The ’90s Are Back: Here’s Why Nostalgia Is the Hottest Trend in Fashion.” Well+Good, 24 Jan. 2020, www.wellandgood.com/90s-fashion-trends/. 

In this article it talks about how people like the author live in 2019 but the 90’s are back. The 90’s are back in fashion trends. There is also a theory that fashion and pop culture are “nostalgia pendum” meaning what’s old is new again. This is why everyone is feeling nostalgic trends like doc martens, crocs, scrunchies and so on forth. Nostalgia also impacts your brain. Nostalgia experiences correspond with experiences in your day to day life which uplifts your mood. It can bring up feelings of meaning and connection to certain people. Certain trends like low rise jeans can trigger bad memories.

By reflecting on this article I agree with what Allie flin is saying. Trends that were in fashion twenty to thirty years ago are back in style. It is a repeating cycle that is for some people’s best interest and others not so much. For instance, trends like camo print can trigger a soldier’s ptsd or a moment when they were fighting for our country. Another example would be low jeans. Low jeans can trigger gang violence or something dangerous.  Recurring trends doesn’t mean a brand lacks creativity. Neither does it imply that the person that created the trend ran out of ideas. 

One quote that I found interesting would be “Trends don’t come back in style because there is a lack of creativity, but because they’re a way we can revisit times where we felt connected.” This quote exemplifies the author’s topic. It not only summarizes the article but as well leave behind a bit of truth to keep inside us while we go about these fashion trends. It gives us better understanding about why some people dress the way they do without even questioning them.

Overall I learned that fashion doesn’t only deal with the pieces of clothing that you put on every day. It has to deal with your mind as well. A fashion trend like nostalgia is associated with places in the brain that associates with our memory such as hippocampus. This was very interesting to discover because I had no clue about how a fashion trend can influence the human body so much. on the other hand I also have gotten some insight on why I think about fashion too deeply. So the theory in this article is actually true and phenomenal.