Fishburne Tom. Evolution of Digital Transformation.  Digital Image. Marktoonist. Marktoonist. Web. 16 August 2020.

This is an image referring to the development of technology. The first stage would be when the computer was first popularized in the 80s, then the second homo sapien  would represent  companies trying to make a profit or an electronical market. The third one is very relevant to the younger generations, while the fourth one is accurately depicted to keep us active and addicted to our screens.  I like to think the modern man being dragged is there to represent the negative consequences and inadequate purposes, saying that we have gone a little too far and it’s become more of a hindrance than a benefit. It’s also notable to recognize the upgraded materials that is relevant to each time period, the last one even has a business tablet and a phone.  Overall the statements referred to a shallow or business- like motive, which I completely agree on.  Tom Fishburne even gave a little background on his cartoon, how he used to help build web sites for companies in the 90s. The website launched, there was a big deal about it uploading,  then business went back to usual, and he moved on to the next client’s web site. He added that the development isn’t an event but a process, while most companies “are still in the early stages of their technology transformation.” I believe some companies are realizing their passionless audience, and are reinventing new clarified ways to instill inspiration and action in their audiences, in a market that is driven for a simple click, attentiveness, or longer screen time.

I agree with this cartoon,  I thought it was an artistic short way of supporting my technology topic.  I see the cartoon as humans evolving with our technological attachments.  That there aren’t many creative, positive platforms that aren’t marketed for your best influence. When your electronic feed is engineered daily, and meant for attracting views or customers. This may not be a stable effective pressure on teenagers or younger adults. Not alone does this further my curiosity on the methods of mechanical business and marketing, but reminds me on how to take advantage of what I have and not be a mindless, unproductive slave.

“Digital transformation is a process, not an event, and the goals and priorities of the journey are different for every company. Just as COVID is bringing fresh urgency to make changes, there is resistance to how deep those changes should go.”