Topic: How do pets help people deal with stress or depression?

We know that pets affect the mental health of us. But how? I had a bad time about a few years ago, I did not have energy, and nothing could make me excited. But I had a companion, a hamster. His name is Grey. Even that period wasn’t so good, but I can feel that live was getting better and better. Every time I see him, I can feel at ease.  He changed me. I have a friend, he didn’t like to speak much and didn’t like to go outside. Until he got a dog. A few years later he became so positive and always cheerful. I curious why and how pets change people when people sink in the mental issue.

So I want to do some research, I expect to find the reason that how pets affect people. What element is the most important. The change is decided by pets or people. Does different pets has different effective? Those answers will let people know the significance of pets, meanwhile they can satisfy my curiosity. 

If I find the information which is completely against what I expect to find. I think I will write them down. If there is nothing to support me to continue on my topic, I will change my side. Then I can use the information I got before. This way is easier because when I don’t know what to write, I have many things to reference. I won’t be stuck there.

For my topic, I think I can get much information from the hospital’s website, maybe they have something professional document. Journal and the TV show are other way, I believe there are stories about how people’s pets help them get out of the darkness. I will also search for some related documentaries, to see if I can find some useful information. The best information for me is to describe their memories in the first person. That makes the story more human and reliable.