A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Topic of Curiosity

Curiosity, the main factor that promotes human development, is also the secret that keeps people enthusiastic about life. Newton wondered why the apple fell from the tree and pushed physics forward for a hundred years. Children are full of energy every day because of curiosity. When I was little, I was very interested in origami. I can make a crane, a frog or a rabbit out of a piece of paper and my imagination. I was curious why a paper can be so beautiful.  Even now, I still do some origami when I’m bored. I might fold a paper airplane and throw it around the room, might fold some animals, and put them on the edge of the desk. But when I get really busy, they will go into my trash can.  As I grow up, I have less and less time, and when I finish some complex origami, My mood is not as excited as when I was a child.

Chinese children always have no time for other things. There is no time for curiosity. The Chinese education system is horrible, there is a city in china, they hang banners on the building or lake every year. It writes” NCEE is not the only way of life, don’t waste your life.” So kids lost their interest is common, even the parents think that hobbies are useless.  At least that’s what happens when I was little. But now I can regain my interest. I have time to the things I like, I can arrange my time by myself. And I would like to learn how to go skateboard now. Because my friend can teach me. And I can connect the learning with my hobbies , like how does the shape impacts the paper airplane in the air. I think this is the thing we should do. I still believe that curiosity is the only energy source of what you doing.


  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Hi Tian! Yes, it is sad when we lose our curiosity. It’s important to keep wondering, thinking, and learning, don’t you think? I hope you will enjoy learning to skateboard.

  2. Dominique Echevarre

    I liked how you talked about your passions now and compared it to your culture and even described a city in China, maybe you can talk about the different lifestyles of the world, why is curiosity different just because of your location.

  3. mell8

    As a kid I was also interested in origami but I was never good at it so I wonder why can other do it so easily and I can’t. Your post is really interesting because I have watch certain videos about education in foreign countries and I once came a cross a video which spoke about china education system. I heard how every single class that was taken is help prepare for a test, that is like the SATS in America and if your score wasn’t above a certain score some might have hard times getting jobs or go into certain colleges.

  4. Ashani Ferguson

    I love how you introduced the topic of curiosity in your response. I also liked how you incorporated China with you curiosity. As of right now what would you say you’re most curious about?

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