Today I am 18 years old. Let us say that I feel very reflective towards my educational experiences. All my life it has been a challenge for me to go out of my shell, I was told “You just need to start speaking, don’t you feel like you complicate yourself? Do you even talk to any other students outside of class? Everything that occurred was a way for me to have better communication and speak for myself but in this time period I just could not. All I know is that slowly within time , I started overcoming that fear of talking but this experience made me think differently towards education .It was fall during my sophomore year , It just will always feel like it was yesterday .This was around fall season , It was quite chilly but not really . Around 3 o clock school was about to end , My last class was math , It was a pretty packed class full of people who were just starting their second year of algebra just like me .The room had a lot of space , new technology like smart boards and a lot of creative examples for that course in the walls . It had a beautiful blackboard and a huge desk with our tools for the day we used in class to solve our daily equations. Within time The class became a bit hectic most of the time, I feel that because most of the students were very harsh with my math teacher . They are barely payed sufficient attention to her, most of them did not put effort what so all.  Like always I entered just on time, I was casually talking to a few peers about how their day was? You know casual conversation. She began her lessons 15 minutes after the class began, Sometimes I had hard time focusing because of the noises other peers made. Most of time I kept looking at the clock, it was a horrible experience being in that setting every day. Unfortunately, I sat in the back because in the beginning of her course people were coming in and out. She always thought that I did not care as well just like the others , She always said “ That I shouldn’t talk to other peers or just didn’t like the fact for the reason the class was distracted most of the times .In my mind , I felt pretty upset because for educators it was a major conflict to get me to speak . I was not doing “good” in participation or just in general. More questions started to roam again “If I was being told to start doing something why stop it now?  Till this day I feel that she just gave up on helping others. But I ask myself “Why give up on all of us? Why not put importance on the ones who are having problems in class? Do not make one student feel a type of emotion where they ask themselves what they are doing right is now somewhat wrong.Â