I was 16 years old it was spring the temperature was a nice cool hoodie weather. It was the period before lunch I was in the class, to the left of me was the mini library/ reading area to the right was a table and a white board next to it. My class was being dismissed and other students were entering to relax during lunch in the ELA room. Before I left the class the teacher was giving us our essays back. I got a 5.5/6 and was shocked because I followed the template, used academic vocabulary properly and displayed no grammatical errors. I reached out to my girlfriend and my friends if they saw something wrong with my essay they said they saw nothing. I asked the teacher she said I can’t help you You have to figure it out yourself. I revised it once and got the same score and she said the “issues” I fixed weren’t issues and to look harder rather than helping me spot out the issue. I was oblivious to she disregarded my concern and said I can’t help you when it’s the Ap exam. Later that day she was helping other students who were her favorites as favoritism was acceptable in my school when it came to extending deadlines and helping that person in any way despite her saying we’d have to do it ourselves. That situation shifted my perception about the education system because favoritism amongst students filled the learning environment with advantages for certain students and created  a toxic work culture. That experience affected my confidence and ability in essay writing such as realizing my mistakes and restricting myself from learning from that error I’d make.