A City Tech OpenLab Course Site



My experience with English was been pretty good but had some struggles learning It, since a very young age I was traveling to much and learning how to properly speak to languages at the same time could be very hard, since I was very young I use to live in a different country which is Ecuador were they speak Spanish so since a young age I was speaking Spanish even thought I was born in the U.S after I was six I decided to move back to the U.S and that’s were I was having some struggles with English since all I knew mostly was Spanish most of the time, but since I was very young It was easier for me to learn English quickly, but then I had to move back to Ecuador repeating the same process of learning a new language again, but when I came back to the U.S for longer I realized that I had to step up my game since I was staying here for good so I started analyzing peoples accent and way to speak for me to adapt to my surroundings and started to figure out about the New York accent, Florida accent and how many cities had their own accent and slang language in the text three ways to speak I saw she mentioned about the different types of English there could be in the first page of the text. “Because the English language is a multifaceted oration Subject to indefinite transformation Now you may think that it is ignorant to speak broken English But I’m here to tell you that even “articulate” Americans sound foolish to the British”, this part the text shows how English is a very diverse English and depending on where you live it might be different or altered  which shows how complex it was for me to lean English, but overall thanks to the people I had around me I was able to learn the new York slang and how to speak proper English and Im thankful for those people that helped me.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Good observations! It is not easy to know how to speak properly in all of these various situations!

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