I am Filipino-American and live in Queens Village, near Jamaica. So I grew up with the ear for Filipino English,  street English, and academical or professional English.  Most people don’t really know much about Asian cultures, and have a lot of stereotypes associated with us. I like to think we are diverse just like the different Hispanic/Latin cultures. There are many types of Asians, not just the Chinese and Japanese. So being a Filipina, and having my knowledge in different “Englishes” has made me feel separated from the  English speaking groups of my generation. I don’t necessarily fit in with all the minorities, and don’t fit into my culture since I was born in the U.S. When you’re raised in America, but your family isn’t from the States, you sometimes feel like you don’t belong anywhere. But like Tan and Lyiscott, I’m trilingual and I speak English. So I can be in any group because we are all different and unique in variations. Like Lyiscott said, “the English language is a multifaceted oration. Subject to indefinite transformation, “ we all belong.