From what we’ve done so far I think the ingredients are author’s purpose, who is the audience, good transitions, clear ideas, and genre awareness.
I think a good place to start my education narrative is to think about any crazy events that have affected my view on education. So maybe my experiences with teachers throughout my whole academic career. I could relate to the levels of education at each age or at each school. I could also talk about good memories and understanding of school. Also add the opinions of those who don’t believe in school and my opinion, with the benefits I’ve received from learning. I’m just brainstorming.
I’m worried that I won’t write a clear education narrative. That I might throw in a bunch of unorganized stories, while forgetting my purpose and audience. It’s a pretty wide topic, so I am worried that I won’t be strong on my points, or have a weak narrative. I could get lost in describing my view of language from personal reasons and lose the momentum in explaining my view on education.
What’s the best way to relate to my audience? Are my ingredients wrong? Should I write about the educational system?
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