In Jamila Lyiscott speech she speaks about her language and how it’s broken down into categories. Jamila states, “ Cause I speak three tongues. One for each: home, school and friends. I’m a tri-lingual orator.” She speaks according to her setting. I think everyone can relate to this because the way you speak to your friends on the block is completely different from how you speak and write in the classroom and also speak to your parents. I relate to her words because when I speak to my family I speak with a different diction of english and some may not understand but, to me it’s regular english. There’s been numerous of times when i’ve been on the street with friends and something strange would happen and my accent (home english) would come out without me realizing. My friends would look at me crazy because they don’t know what I just said. In Tan’s writing “Mother Tongue” she spoke about her mother’s english and how it impacted their lives. I also share some experiences with Tan when she speaks about being her mother’s personal speaker. When i’m with my grandparent’s filling out their paperwork I explain what the company is asking for and also explain to the company what’s my grandparents concerns are.Â