My experience with the English language is similar to Amy Tan’s experience. One quote that I could relate to is “when I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she”. I relate to this quote because I come from an immigrant family and the first language spoken is Spanish, due to my mother’s lack of knowledge in English I often would call pretending I’m her also.  I try to have her call and translate to her, but it is easier to pretend I am her because when I translate English to Spanish, I sometimes twist it or don’t know how to explain it in a way she will understand. In immigrant families where only the children know English, they become a translator for their family members from a young age. In Jamila Lyiscott’s video I can relate when she said “ so I may not always come before you with excellency of speech but do not judge me by my language and assume that I’m too ignorant to teach cause I speak three tongues: home, school and friends”. I relate to this quote because in past experience’s people judge me because my first language is Spanish and assume that I am not able to write and/or read like them. A lot of people would judge us immigrants just because we came from a different country, not knowing it is an advantage to speak two languages and have two different cultures. When I am working, I speak professional English, when I am with my friends I speak “hood” English and when I am at home, I mostly speak Spanglish. I believe my language switches up depending on the audience, situation and surroundings. Many people can relate to this because we speak differently to family members, friends and co-workers .