A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Time Capsule Mohammad.

Hi there, I am you fro the first semester or your college.  I remember how everything was so colorful and bright but a bit blurry.  I hope that blurriness of yours has been replaced with a  clear crystal vision.  I guess now you have many friends, and you are going forward at a reasonable speed. Remember, never jump from one course to another course even when It gets hard because in life, there will always be challenging situations, and you grow by facing them. Never give up because when you succeed and look back, the hardship seems it was just an easy task.  Again never give up on what you believe.

the picture how I felt in the beginning of my College.

And this is a picture that shows how you felt at the beginning of my semester.

You are a good photographer; you should do it now and then between your college time. I Hope the rest of the years goes very well for you.


  1. nelson checo

    hey Mohammad I felt the same way at the beginning so i guess we can relate
    but im also on the same path now and seeing everything more clear and understanding

  2. Mohammad Chowdhury

    yeah bro. hope we can finish this strong.

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