A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Tianyi Zhao

My name is Tianyi Zhao. I come from China. I joined city tech as a freshman. I was so nervous when I joined the first class on the first day. Because this is college, I have a new condition to adapt. I felt excited but meanwhile stress too. I did concern about the online class will be more difficult and more stressful. But now I feel much better than before. The professors are friendly and they all will try their best to solve our problems. So I’m more excited about the new journey.

Even the situation of the world is not great, but life has to continue. We all like trees, thrive from the soil.

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  1. Mohammad Chowdhury

    Hi, Tianyi Zhao. Loved the world’s about the tree. Just like you I also felt excited and also at the same time nervous. We will overcome our nervousness and then again another new thing will come and then again we are gonna overcome our nervousness. We are gonna get stronger

  2. Mohammad Chowdhury

    Hi, Tianyi Zhao. Loved the world’s about the tree. Just like you I also felt excited and also at the same time nervous. We will overcome our nervousness and then again another new thing will come and then again we are gonna overcome our nervousness. We are gonna get stronger

  3. Mohammad Chowdhury

    Hi, Tianyi Zhao. Loved the world’s about the tree. Just like you I also felt excited and also at the same time nervous. We will overcome our nervousness and then again another new thing will come and then again we are gonna overcome our nervousness. We are gonna get stronger

  4. Mohammad Chowdhury

    Hi, Tianyi Zhao. I loved the words about the tree. Just like you, I also felt excited and even at the same time, nervous. We will overcome our nervousness, and then again, another new thing will come, and then again, we will overcome our anxiety. We are going to get stronger, going through this process again and again.

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