A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Hi, This is Javier

This was my first class as a freshman an at first i was extremely stressed but after knowing a little bit about how this class is going to work i am really excited and i feel comfortable. I am still nervous about my other classes but they might surprise me just like this one and i’m hopeful that this semester will go by pretty well. High school might not have ended that way we expected it to , but this a new opportunity to make new memories and appreciate what we have.

This picture means a lot to me since it was a way where me and my friends decided to celebrate our own graduation and how ill always remember that day.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Hi Javier,
    I am glad to hear that you are excited and feel comfortable. I predict that we will have a great semester making new friends and learning new things. Welcome to the class!

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