This Thursday, 11/21, 4-6:00pm: Fostering Conversation on the OpenLab

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This Thursday afternoon, we’ll reconvene the group of us interested in Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab at an event focused on fostering conversation on (and with) the OpenLab. A few colleagues will briefly share some of their methods for generating and fostering conversation, and then we’ll continue our conversation by hearing from anyone who wants to share, ask questions, comment, etc. And we’ll have snacks, too! That’s where the RSVP comes it–it would be good to know how much snacking will take place. You can simply reply to this post letting us know if you can make it.

The details:

Fostering Conversation on the OpenLab

Thursday, November 21st

4:00-6:00 pm

Faculty Commons (N227)

Lively conversation plus snacks


image courtesy of Marc Wathieu

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