Open Pedagogy Kick-off event

The OpenLab Community Team invites you to come launch theĀ Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab project. To kick off our project, our inaugural meeting will be a chanceĀ to meet each other face-to-face at an end-of-semester wine-and-cheese gathering. We canĀ celebrate the semester about to close andĀ brainstorm about next semester’s activities, includingĀ more exchanges on the Open Pedagogy site, as well as virtual and on-site discussions, workshops, and other programmed events.

When: Tuesday, 12/11, 4:00-6:00pm
Where: Faculty Commons, N227
Who: All Faculty and Staff interested in Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab
RSVP:, or reply here with a comment

If you haven’t already joined the Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab project, find out more about itĀ on the project’s profile.

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

10 thoughts on “Open Pedagogy Kick-off event”

  1. Glad that so many of you will be able to join us–we’re really excited about the gathering! Feel free to take the lead from these fine colleagues above and RSVP via comment on the site–a smarter, more open way than responding via email!

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