Week 8: Maria Ressa, Facebook, and The Opinion Editorial (or OpEd). Post Due, Mon. Oct. 25

Are the dangers of Social Media real? Yes, social media can be dangerous and real and it’s especially dangerous for journalist. Many journalist have faced many difficulties over times such as criticism on social media. Social Media can be a very powerful platform for journalist and for other citizens and anything can happen whether it’s bad or good.  Maria Ressa was one of the female journalist who went through a lot of the years in 2018 and she was a Filipino-American journalist.  She was arrested many times by her own government due to false accusations and it was difficult for her as to why they would make false news about her and arrest her when she’s just trying to be a normal journalist. Ms. Ressa met with Facebook executives to show them research indicating that the social media giant needed to take action against fake news spreading on their platform.  Maria Ressa also quoted, “Online violence leads to real world violence.” Another example about Facebook social media would be involving Trump as he spread false claims against Biden. The “Fake News” need to be taken accountable, because who knows how many other lies or false news can affect the journalist and the people themselves. Spreading lies can laced with anger and hate and without the truth there is definitely no trust and without proof there’s obviously no trust guarantee. During the interview of Maria Ressa she also pointed out the sexism against women as a journalist and only 18 women was elected to win the Noble prize. And due to women journalist facing obstacles and sexism, many women opted out and quit working. She believe to hire more women and to bring the culture back and the whole reason why women journalist was affect was because the downfall of feminist movement. The feminist movement is a movement for women fight for equality and especially the equality for female journalist, but because of social movement it can easily bring the movement down.  So this explains why social media, including Facebook is a dangerous platform sometimes, because it can easily tear people’s career with any fake news or lies.


  1. Chala

    The internet is a great way for a company to promote because of the billions of people . One popular place on the internet is Facebook. Facebook can have companies and people become famous. Many people are on the internet. So with many people on the internet, people talk about things that are important to them. Social media created a list of attractiveness and the hottest females are the ones who are thick. Facebook is so powerful and influences the minds of millions. Many females that are not thick are now jealous of the females that are because thick women get the most attention. Many females compare themselves to the thick females that are pretty and they hate themselves. This has to lead many females to get butt implants to have a big butt because they say that the pretty females with a thick body are able to get a husband that is rich and loyal because of their beauty and that is all the rich many wants is a beautiful woman that is thick.

  2. Chala

    The internet is a great way for a company to promote because of the billions of people . One popular place on the internet is facebook . Facebook can have companies and people become famous . Many people are on the internet . So with many people on the internet people talk about things that are important to them. Social media created a list of attractiveness and the hottest females are the ones who are thick . Facebook is so powerful and influences the minds of millions . Many females that are not thick are now jealous of the females that are because thick women get the most attention. Many females compare themselves to the thick females that are pretty and they hate themselves .

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