Intro Jailyn

Hello my name is Jailyn Lavado. My pronouns are she/her. I currently reside in Ridgewood NY. I took this class because I like to keep up with the news as it keeps me informed. I love to travel, I just came back from Florida as I went to Disney and Universal Studios. I would love to travel to Europe or to Japan again! At home,  I love to explore the city and see whats new with my friends.

This is a photo of my two cockatiels. I love them to death as they are my children. I had them for almost 6 years. I call them “Los Kukus” as they picked their own name due to their chirps. One is female and the other is male.  I started to love birds since I was 11. Over the years, I love stumbling upon new bird species in the city. I usually leave food for birds to come eat on my fire escape. Sometimes I let my birds watch the other birds eat and they enjoy it.  When the weather is nice enough, I take my birds on a trip around the neighborhood. I place them into that bookbag that is seen in the picture and “La Kuku” tends to chirp alot.



  1. Mark Noonan

    Welcome aboard Jailyn. Those are some pretty fantastic-looking birds! I look forward to working with you this semester.

    • Jailyn~

      Thank you so much! I too look forward to learning a lot from you this semester!

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