Mosche Carrington

Hello all! My name is Mosche (she/her) and I’m from Brooklyn, NY. I’m currently a senior at City Tech, majoring in fashion. I decided to take this class because I know that it will help me gain useful knowledge in case I would like to become a fashion journalist or public relations agent. My dream job is to become a stylist, but I plan on trying different jobs within the fashion field. I am very creative and resilient. I also enjoy shopping and trying new restaurants.

I use Pinterest (@chec4) often because I love to create mood boards, so I would say that Pinterest is meaningful to me. It helps me organize and showcase my ideas and “visions”. These three photos are screenshots from some of the Pinterest boards that I’ve made.


  1. Mark Noonan

    Welcome aboard Mosche. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the fashion world and connecting them to the larger field of journalism. It would be great if you could introduce to the class to your expertise in Pinterest as well.

  2. Rachel

    Hi, Mosche Carrington, this is Rachel Xie. We are partnered up to do an interview assignment by interviewing each other, and it’s due in two weeks. I’m looking forward to working on this assignment with you. Here’s my gmail,, so we can work on this interview in google docs. If you have any other question you can check at the home page of the open lab, it says Week 3: Homework for Next Monday, Sept. 20.

    • Mosche C.

      Hey Rachel! I’ll send you an email soon.

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