Media Doing it’s Job

In the last weeks there has been surprising media coverage emerging from our “country’s” southern boarder. I do expect that maybe a number of students have chosen this article as well so I will try to keep my response unique. Since the Biden administration has taken office the crisis at the Rio Grande has been swept under the rug. However, journalists at the NY times have given us a glimpse of the mayhem. What seems to already be a now iconic photo, is a boarder patrol ranger whipping a desperate Haitian migrant is what were greeted with. Thousands of migrants can be seen in videos receiving humanitarian aid in large clusters of what looks like covid cesspools’. What the journalist did a good job in is exposing our government and shining a light on President Biden. Biden voters had got him into office with VP Kamala Harris with the intention that our boarders will remain a pair of open arms to those who seek refuge. But now we see President Biden is using a public health rule that was put in place by the Trump administration to dispose of migrants at our doorstep. This piece of information is great journalism as it exposes something about our government that Biden voters will be very displeased by. Not all migrants have been turned away but it’s examples of good journalism like this that gives the public a sense of transparency during a humanitarian crisis.

NY Times Article : “Images of Boarder Patrol’s treatment of Haitian Migrants Prompt Outrage” by Eileen Sullivan and Zolan and Kanno-Youngs (9/21/21)

1 Comment

  1. Mark Noonan

    Eric, You do a fantastic job here discussing the importance and impact of this image to really “stir” up people across the country. Excellent angle and explanation of “watchdog” coverage.

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