Dominic Tuzo

Hello everyone! My name is Dominic Tuzo, I am 23 years old and lived in West Harlem, NY for most of my life. Currently, I am a Computer Engineering Technology Major. With this major, I am looking to get a job in software engineering/development once I graduate. I took a year of hiatus from my studies during quarantine just to get my mind and health in check before finishing my degree. In my free time, I love to listen to and create music.  I just picked up on playing the piano and hopefully, it can help me with songwriting and producing music.

Over the years, I felt confused, lost, and worried about things I could not control. But reading this book helped me through it and brought me closer to God. Plus as a kid, I always thought this book was boring and hard to read because the version I was reading was written in old English but now it’s nice to go back and read it.


  1. Jailyn~

    Hey Dominic!
    Its good to take a break if it gave you piece of mind.
    What type of music do you create?

  2. Mark Noonan

    Welcome aboard Dominic. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the music world and life in West Harlem this semester.

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