Summer 2021

Introduction – Shane C

Hello Guys. My name is Shane Cooper and my pronouns are Him/He. I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I’m currently finishing my bachelors degree for Computer Systems Technology . Some of my favorite things to do include hanging out with friends, playing video games and anything chaotic.   My favorite author is whoever made this world. The picture attached below is of one of my favorite cartoon characters and someone who I inspire to be. I say the most random things so bare with me.



  1. Mark Noonan

    Thanks for your interesting introduction. I like your line about the author that made this world (!). He certainly is impressive. You might want to discuss the role of the Gods in Oedipus Rex. That would be a great topic of discussion.

    I did not approve your post on Spike Lee’s film Chi-Raq. It’s too broad and seems drawn from outside sources. I recommend instead, in a new post, that you refer to a specific scene from the film and discuss why you liked it. I want to hear what you think about a particular aspect of this film. Also, how is it similar and different to the Greek play Lysistrata, upon which it is based?

    • Shane Cooper

      Okay I will do the Post over. Thank you for the feeback.

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