Our Experience of Wine Blending ~ SunFlower Bloom


Team #3

Segufta Amin

Tetyana Rybitska

Nicole Young

SunFlower Bloom

 Our group started out in week one agreeing to the taste of what the end result of our wine that we would like to present; our goal was always to create something light, fresh, fruity, a representation of our labeled wine [ SunFlower Bloom].

On our blending experiment class, first we smelled and analyzed the different individual wine to see if any we felt differently of our sense of smell and taste from our prior class a week ago from the sampled wine that we chose to be a part of final presentation.

Second, we made a trial of the first attempt of wine blending to get an idea if we were heading in the direction of how we wanted our wine to taste and smell. From the start we always agreed the main overtone of the wine, would have a fruity, sweet aftertaste, not too acidity and have a light scent.

We made 7 trials of wine and narrowed down to our top 3 that we all agreed on, based on the notes collected and sample blends that we had made for each blended wine, thereafter we agreed that the choice of [SunFlower Bloom] will consist of these ingredients:

20% of AS SKLi 2009 / SB Chard (#3)

40% of BF PALPB 2012 (stainless) Pinot Blanc (# 11)

10% of BF LZCH 2012 (wood) Chardonnay  (#12)

30% of RH PALPB 2013 (stainless) Pinot Blanc (# 14)

Our wine tasting instructor Mark from Red Hook took our final result and created the blend that we created to present to the class. We were ecstatic to learn that our group did extremely well and it was the wine choice from the group which was from Bottle L – SunFlower Bloom

The experience went extremely well for all three of us; we all enjoyed the experience and we definitely had fun with the project.  It will go down as one experience that we will forever remember as a highlight during our hospitality educational journey at City Tech.



We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Professor Goodlad, Professor Dagorn , Professor Dias and the Julia Childs Foundation for allowing our class to have this opportunity; a very special thank you to Mark and the Red Hook Winery team for giving our class the opportunity to experience wine blending and being able to create our own idea of what type of wine we would enjoy for ourselves.

Over all this was a wonderful experience.




Thank you Team #3

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One Response to Our Experience of Wine Blending ~ SunFlower Bloom

  1. Nicole says:

    Segufta Amin and Tetyana Rybitska it was great working with you!! We did great…


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