Maureen Neuringer | COMD 3711 | Section D030

05 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What is the value of saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library?

Question 02 –

How would you change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons?


  1. Nastassia Molicheva

    What is the value of saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library?

    Saving the technique allows us to quickly access it, and apply it when needed instead of having to recreate the full process (which takes more time). Additionally, this specific technique would be helpful in designing packaging, business cards, invitations, and other print-based designs. 

    How would you change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons?

    In order to change the angle of the gradient, we need to select the object we’re applying the gradient to with the Select tool and then click on/select the Gradient tool. Draw a line in the direction that you want your gradient to be applied, and then adjust the colors according to your liking. You can also adjust the gradient in the Gradient panel by changing the colors, and opacity or adding/subtracting more color stops.

  2. Irin Yela

    Question 01 – What is the value of saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library?

    In adobe illustrator saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library helps by saving time. Since we can later just go back and click on it to make any of our future words in letterpress format. 

    Question 02 – How would you change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons?

    To start off, we would have to select the ribbon we want to change the color for. After selecting, open the gradient panel, then there will show an option for the angle, then we enter the desired angle value in degrees. Or we can click edit and adjust the angle slider to adjust the angle visually.

  3. Jeffrey Lin


    The value of saving the letterpress effect in your graphics design library is that you don’t have to create the effect, stroke, fill, etc again. Graphics styles help you quickly apply properties to objects. To open the graphics styles window, hover over the window menu on top of illustrator and click on graphic styles. A faster way of opening the graphics styles window is using the shortcut keys: shift plus F5. The graphic styles are saved when you save your illustrator file, which means there is no need to package it. You can also export a graphics style by going to the hamburger icon and then clicking on “Save Graphics Library”. To import a graphics style in illustrator, open up the graphics style window, go to the hamburger icon, hover over “open graphic style library” and click on “Other library…”. Graphic styles in illustrator are a time saver for people.


    To change the angle of the gradient color in the ribbons, first, click on one of the ribbons. Then, press the g key. Pressing the g key will show the gradient bar. Click and hold the black square and drag it around to change the angle of the gradient. You can also change the gradient color angle by clicking and holding the white gradient bar to move it around with the selection tool. You can make the white gradient bar short or long by moving the black box up or down. For the ribbons, you want them to be a light and dark gradient pattern. Make the bar aligned with the ribbon. The gradient is dark on the bottom and light on the top. The ribbons in the back should be darker than the front.

    • Nastassia Molicheva

      I like that you mentioned the specific way for the ribbons to be made and that the ribbon should be darker in the back to create a better visual representation.

  4. Yarlin Peralta

    Question 01 –

    What is the value of saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library?

    The value of saving the Letterpress Technique in my Graphic Symbols library is to save time, to have easy access to this technique without having to go back and redo the whole process over and over again every time I would like to use it. 

    Question 02 –

    How would you change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons? 

     I can change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons by clicking on the edit gradient option on the gradient tab once the gradient annotator pops out you should be able to rotate and move the colors in the gradient around.

    • Irin Yela

      You can also change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons by clicking on the option for the angle, and then entering the desired angle value in degrees.

  5. Ebony Derrick

    Question 01 – What is the value of saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library?

    Saving the Letterpress Technique makes it easier to have access to use whenever it’s needed. It saves time, it can be used at any point without having to design it each time you’ll need it. Having it saved saves time and can be used to design things like business cards and posters and recommended to keep the letterpress technique design in your symbols library. 

    Question 02 – How would you change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons?

    To angle the colors, from dark to light and into the way you want them to be, you would need to have to select the first rectangle on the left then place the default gradient (shortcut: “.”), You would need to change the color for the gradient. You could change the angle of the gradient by using the gradient select tool, then click and drag on the object to bring out the gradient bar. The gradient bar has a square and a circle on each end, the square allows you to rotate the bar and the circle allow you to also mess with the gradient. Change the colors from dark colors on the left going to lighter colorson the right to create a ribbon with gradient.

    • Jeffrey Lin

      Agree that GS saves you time by not having to design everytime. Great that you’re also showing how to create the gradient.

  6. Matthew De Souza

    Question 1:

    It makes access easier when a letterpress style is desired. It is unnecessary to create a new style for it. Its preservation helps you to save time when designing cards, invitations, and posters, and it also necessitates the preservation of the letterpress in the symbols library.

    Question 2:

    You must have the gradient tool selected to adjust the angles of the color gradients. Pick two colors ranging from bright to dark and arrange them on the rectangle accordingly. When you’ve picked your colors, click the rectangle to see a rectangle with two handles. Adjust the bright and dark gradient hues to your satisfaction and rotate the rectangle in the direction of the angle.

    • Ebony Derrick

      I agree, recreating it each time you need it would be too time-consuming, it’s good to have it saved and can still change the color when being used for future projects or designs.

  7. Jenise Roque

    1) Having the letterpress technique is valuable because you are able to save it and equip it to any other design you make. You are able to have much easier access to the letterpress and apply it to other designs.

    2) To change the angles of the color gradients, you would need to have the gradient tool selected. Choose two colors from light to dark and place them accordingly on the rectangle. Once the colors are chosen, click the rectangle and a rectangle with two handles will be shown. Rotate the rectangle to the direction of the angle and adjust the light and dark gradient colors to your liking.

    • Yarlin Peralta

      Hey Jenise,

      I totally agree with you, the importance of saving the Letterpress technique into your Graphic Symbols is that you can later on use it to incorporate into any other design and it’s easily accessible.

  8. Basema Ikhmayes

    What is the value of saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library?

    The value of saving the letterpress technique in your graphic symbols library is if I want to use it in any future work I have, I would bring back my letterpress character style and use it instead of making it a new letterpress every time I need one. 

    How would you change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons? 

    Changing the color in the gradient in the ribbons is to use the gradient tool, and there are two ways to use the gradient way. The first way would be by going to the window and then clicking on the gradient tool. The second way would be simply choosing the gradient tool from the tools box in illustrators. 

    • Jenise Roque

      The letterpress technique is super accessible and it is easy to use to apply to your other designs.

  9. Ibrahima Diallo

    The value of saving the letterpress technique in the graphics symbol library is really helpful. The reason behind this is because if you are creating a new type you can just go the the library and equip it. With that happening you can create some unique designs from the symbol that you have. Changing the angle of the gradient within the ribbon getting there would just be by clicking on window and then go to gradient annotator. Another way would be on the side of the tools click on the gradient and it should pop up.

    • Basema Ikhmayes

      Saving the letter press is definitely helpful instead of creating a new one whenever we are working with type.

  10. Zi Hang Lian

    Saving a Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library means easy access to your Letterpress. That means if you ever wanted the same Letterpress you created a while ago, it’s always there for you and you won’t have to make it again. To save your Letterpress, go to Windows -> Graphic Style -> A symbols with three books -> Save Graphic Styles. It will then prompt you to give it a name. Once you save it, it’s in your library forever. How convenient is that?

    To change the angle of the ribbon, go to Windows -> Gradient. Then, head over to the Gradient tool. Another way you can find it is that it’s on top of the blending tool. If you see the angle (Should be an acute angle symbol, that’s where you can change the angle of your ribbon.

    • Ibrahima Diallo

      Like how you mentioned the two different ways you can get to the gradient tools

    • Matthew De Souza

      I agree that the method of saving the letterpress into the library is convenient. It saves a lot of time and is easy to activate when needed.

    • Blany Gil Reyes

      Indeed, having quick access to one’s letterpress design saves so much time and can be easily used for various scenarios. Making it extremely convenient.

  11. Blany Gil Reyes

    Question 01 –

    What is the value of saving the Letterpress Technique in your Graphic Symbols library?

    It allows for easier access when a letterpress style is needed. There’s no need to be creating a brand-new style for it. Having it saved opens time-saving for cards, invitations, and posters and makes it essential to keep the letterpress in the symbols library. 

    Question 02 –

    How would you change the angle of the color in the gradient in the ribbons?

    In order to angle the colors, from dark to light and into the way you want them to be, firstly you would need to have the gradient tool selected (. to activate it), along with your colors. After, you would need to click and drag on the object to bring out the gradient bar. If you look carefully. the gradient bar has a square and a circle on both ends, the square allows you to rotate and enlarge the bar, while the circle allows you to move it. Move it to where you want the right amount of dark/light colors to create a great-looking ribbon.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      Saving a Letterpress is definitely convenient since making one can take you a while. If you have already created one and saved it, you’ll save seconds finding it and continue your work instead of having to create one from scratch that can take you a few minutes or an hour depending on how complicated you want it to look.

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