Ways Of Seeing: Project #1 ( Final)


It’s hard to know who you are when you realize you are right around the corner of becoming who you want to be. The question is who am I? and what do I really want to be? My name is Natali Agudelo, and I am a designer. I am just in the process of a college student, but beneath that I am an artist that started years ago. I always told myself that, “My visualization of the world equals aesthetic pleasure,”meaning that I combine my ideas and my visualization to a design. Not only do I enjoy designing, but I enjoy taking photographs of the most interesting things I see surrounding me. Most of  my photographs consist of nature and the things that many people do not quite see when they see a photograph or design. As a designer, I see everything, every detail on what a photograph has. I consider myself a designer because I am a visualizer of the world, and with that power I am capable to show the world that I make art. I  see myself in a couple of years as a professional Graphic Designer, working in a company and maybe a freelancer, who knows. I want to  travel the world and do projects there, as well as  taking beautiful photographs that will blow people’s minds.

The avatar I chose is a photograph of myself in the Brooklyn Bridge Park. This avatar describes me in so many different ways, most importantly as a photographer. In the background is what I call, “The Nature Environment,” because I was outside visualizing what nature is. The grass, water, rocks, trees and so on. Since I am a designer, not only do I design eccentric art, but I put my photography in it.  In this  photograph, I am looking at something in the way I positioned myself, and that makes me a curious person. I always want to know what is this, or that. That is how I also gain ideas to create something. Being curious doesn’t always kill the cat, sometimes its good because you will find something that is useful in your life.

Why did she take a selfie for her profile picture? Many people might think or ask that question. Well, it’s definitely not a selfie, it’s more of a representation of me. Some may not understand it, others may just like it, and some may not. They might ask where was I? Or “Why is it in black and white?  The photograph is in black and white because in this case it has a meaning me and what it expresses a lot. Many people might wonder how it might look in color or other filters. Others might think I want to be a model, or maybe interested in being one. So, in this case there is a lot of interpretations about my avatar, but there is always that one answer . My answer to those who are wondering why; the meaning is deeper than just a look. Look closely, and you will see a better meaning to it.

When people see my profile, I want them to see what I do. I may just be a girl from New York City, and going to school and drinking Starbucks everyday. Honestly, that is not really who I am in the inside, I am beyond that, I am a designer. I will show the world my sketches, my photographs, and my designs. I will even show them how much time I spend on something that I am really getting into . There will be photos of me discovering more of this world, maybe travel to an interesting place. I don’t know what will I post at times, but I know that my work will make people enjoy it and keep coming to see more. Doing this is important to me, because I am making art, and by doing that I am doing a big impact to people. Art is just not something to glance, is something to visualize and see what that person meant to do and what is the message they are trying to send to the world. I think that art is right in front of your eyes, just dig in deeper and you will find your own place. I want the world to jump in my imagination and see what is going on inside my creative brain and from that, they can gain their creative world inside their heads and show it to the world.

Finally, it was hard to figure out who I wanted to be, but it was clearer when steps got bigger. Trying to figure out who you really are is pretty hard, but you know who you are when you feel that connection with something that you enjoy doing. That’s why I know who I am, and I hope now everyone knows who I am and what I do. I am just starting, but I am never ending, and that is a fact!


View From My Window: Assessment/ Critique

So, project #1 was very fun to do. Yes, it did take time cutting and to paste, but at the end it was a beautiful piece. In class, we did our critiques, and each person had to critique at least two people’s work. When they critiqued my work, I felt both accomplished, but also could have done better. I felt this way because i accomplished everything our professor wanted us to do. Peers liked my worked, it was neat, and very understandable. In the other hand, i critiqued my own work, which is a good thing to do, and I thought maybe i could have done a little better, but overall I think i did pretty good. I liked everyone’s work in general, but since this was a critique, it was time to be honest (evil laugh). Some were hard to understand which were ambiguous  and which were stable.  Others had to economize more so we could understand it better. The cutting was okay, but there were some that was pretty…. scary . hahaha. Just kidding, but it was a great critique from everyone and of course thanks to our professors and mentor. Great Job everyone !

View From My Window: Cut out

This project was a little frustrating to do because I had other things going on. So I finished this last night around 12pm. Took me an hour or so to do it . This morning I finished up some minor touches. But , it was interesting and very creative project to do.

This project was a little frustrating to do because I had other things going on. So I finished this last night around 12pm. Took me an hour or so to do it . This morning I finished up some minor touches. But , it was interesting and very creative project to do.

Its vertical ! The picture for some reason made it horizontal !


After reading my peer’s comments about my draft, I feel successful for doing a good job. I wanted them to understand who I am, what I want to do , and why am I here. They have said that i included everything that they needed to understand about me, and about my art. I really don’t know what else to write, but I want to thank those who comment on my Draft, and hope that they enjoyed reading a little about me, and what I love to do !

Summary for ADV

Today, September 15, we discussed a majority of different things that had to do with our first project. We talked about the next few things we need to do for our final work due Wednesday. Our professor posted the guidelines for the thing we had to do. It’s a bit overwhelming, but it will help us do things in such a way that the way we see it will be interpreted in many ways. What we have to do next is pick 2 stable and 2 ambiguous drawing that we already have and to cut out ONLY the black part of that drawing but in black paper. Then you paste these shapes onto the 14×17 Bristol pad with the measurements of 5×7. While discussing about our next steps, we also had a group critique of our Inked work we had to do over the weekend. All of them were amazing, and some just had to do some adjustments. We talked about the purpose of Economy and Community within this project and how an image could be or stable and more ambiguous. At the end, our professor explained how to use an Xacto knife, so that we don’t have to cut our fingers. So careful everyone ! We mostly discussed and worked in groups today, and all we have to do now is follow the guidelines that is on her website and complete our final work that is DUE WEDNESDAY ! 🙂


Peat– noun, often adjective

Definition: partially carbonized vegetable tissue formed by partial decomposition in water of various plants.

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/peat?show=0&t=1410480330I discovered this word in my English class on Monday, September 10th.

I discovered this word on a class discussion we did that included the video, ” Ways of Seeing,” on Wednesday, September 10th.

I understand this word by reading an example,Besides the mineral water baths there are also moor or mud-baths, and the peat used for these baths is the richest in iron in the world.


Aesthetic– adjective

Definition: of or relating to art or beauty.


I discovered this word in my English class on Monday, September 8th.

I understand the word because I created my own quote, ” My visualization equals aesthetic pleasure.” Natali Agudelo


Ways of Seeing : Draft



My name is Natali Agudelo, and i am a designer. I am just in the process of a college student, but beneath that I am an artist that started years ago. I always told myself that, “My visualization of the world equals aesthetic pleasure,”meaning that I combine my ideas and my visualization to a beauty design. Not only do I enjoy designing, but I enjoy taking photographs of the most interesting things I see surrounding me. Mostly my photographs consist of nature and the things that many people do quite see when they see a photograph or design. As a designer, I see everything, every detail on what that photograph has. I consider myself a designer because I am a visualizer of the world, and with that power I am capable to show the world that I make art. I  see myself in a couple of years a professional Graphic Designer, working a company and as well as freelancer. I see myself traveling the world and doing projects there and taking beautiful photography that will blow people’s minds.

My consideration of my avatar:

The avatar I chose is a photograph of myself in the Brooklyn Bridge Park. This avatar describes me in so many different ways, most importantly as a photographer. In the background is what i called, “The Nature Environment,” because I was outside visualizing what nature is. The grass, water, rocks, trees and so on. Since I am a designer, not only do I design eccentric art, but I put my photography in it.  This photograph i am looking at something in the way i positioned myself, and that makes me a curious person. I always want to know what is this, or that. That is how I also gain ideas to create something.

How my avatar can be interpreted differently:

Many people can interpret my avatar as just a portrait photograph. They might like it, and some may not. They might ask where was i? What is on the background? The photograph is in black and white, in which that case it means a lot to me and what it expresses. Many people might wonder how it might look in color or other filters. Others might think I want to be a model, or maybe interested in being one. So, in this case there is a lot of interpretations about my avatar, but there is always that one answer .

Profile will convey and why it matters:

My profile will convey of who I really am. Yes, I am a human being living in the city and going to school and back home. Honestly, that is not really who I am, I am beyond that, I am a designer. I will show the world my sketches, my photographs, and my designs. I will even show them how much time i spend on something that I am really getting into . There will be photos of me discovering more of this world, maybe travel to an interesting place. I don’t know what will I post at times, but i know that my work will make people enjoy it and keep coming to see more. Doing this is important to me, because I am making art, and by doing that I am doing a big impact to people. Art is just not something to glance, is something to visualize and see what that person meant to do and what is the message they are trying to send to the world. I think that art is right in front of your eyes, just dig in deeper.