Final Paper | Zohaib

Project: Solar powered battery and Wireless Charging.



Solar Powered.
Wireless Energy.
Cable-free Chargers.
Charging Station.
Charging Dock.
Cell phones.
Go Green.
Green Future
Infinite Energy.


The idea is to create a solar powered battery that attaches onto the back of your cell phones or any other electronic devices (iPhone, iPads, mp3 players, Kindles etc.) that acts as a backup battery for device and charges automatically so whenever the original battery for your device runs out the solar powered battery kicks in and keeps the device working.  The battery could be a standard size lithium battery that is compatible with average cell phone devices it will simply attach on the backside of the phone and will contain a solar panel on the back of it (the side that doesn’t face the back of the cell phone directly.) Through the solar panel the battery would collect solar energy and the indicator on the side will show whether or not the battery is fully charged. Whenever the original battery needs to be replaced, the backup battery can be simply detached from the back of the phone and plugged inside of the cellphone device to power it.  The solar powered battery will not require any chargers to fully function and it will just utilize the solar panel located on its backside to harness sunlight so it can keep the electronic devices working. Although the solar powered battery will also have the option to be able to be charged at wireless power stations in the case there is insufficient sunlight available around to keep your handheld device working. The wireless power station will emit electromagnetic waves that will automatically re-charge any devices in range that support wireless charging. This way wireless power chargers will cover the charging requirements in case there is not sufficient sunlight available to fulfill the need to charge electronic devices such as during night times when sunlight isn’t available. Whereas Solar powered battery will kick in if there are any power outages or in case of  a zombie apocalypse you will have a working phone and your electronic devices will never run out of battery even without the wireless power charging stations.



What is solar energy? Solar energy is the energy produced by the Sun; the radiation is emitted by the Sun in the form of light and heat. Almost all the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. According to this article the earth receives 170 pet watts of solar radiation. 30% is reflected into space and the rest is absorbed by the earth. Most of the solar radiation falls in the visible to near infrared region of electromagnetic spectrum with a small amount in the ultraviolet region. Today most nanometers based energy conversion focuses on converting solar energy into electrical energy. Solar energy is everywhere as long as sunlight is available. So that makes it very easy to utilize this “free” form of energy that our sun provides for everyone throughout the entire planet. You can read more about solar energy by following this link;
We can harness solar energy in many different ways but the most effect way to harness energy from the sun is with (PV)photovoltaic cells or solar cells. These convert photons streaming from the Sun into electricity. There is a phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect, which is basically the emission of electrons due to absorption of energy from photons interacting with a material. So in my design solar panels will be implemented on the backside of the battery that will absorb sunlight or solar energy and convert it into electricity as shown in the picture below. Solar powered Battery uses a clean form of energy because this mode of power emits no pollution, it keeps the air clean and healthy, reducing general health costs for the population. No hydrocarbon production also reduces climate change, which–if unchecked–can raise sea levels and increase weather extremes. It provides the consumers with renewable energy source without the need to ever plugging your phone to a charger.

To read more about how solar energy is converted into electricity you can follow this Link.

Plugged in Virtually.

With the virtual charging docs installed at public places the electronic devices will be virtually charging (plugged in) all the time and never run out of battery and consumers will never have to deal with wired chargers ever again. It will be similar to how our WiFi works now days with hotspots available for devices to connect pretty much anywhere such as stores, coffee shops, restaurants, bus stops, train stations and airports etc. So all these places will have hotspots for not only WiFi but for wireless charging for people to charge their electronic devices on the go.
There are different kinds of wireless charging technologies available. According to the Article “Conventional charging devices such as the cord for a cell phone use electromagnetic induction to transmit power. Through electromagnetic induction, an electric current is sent through a magnetic field generated by a power conductor to a smaller magnetic field generated by a receiving device. (See related quiz:What You Don’t Know About Electricity“).”One other method is magnetic resonance coupling. Which was created by researchers working for Intel and MIT. The technology involves setting up a magnetic field that is actually able to transmit energy between two poles from a transmitting device to a receiving device. They experimented with two electromagnetic resonators vibrating at a specific frequency and found they shared power through their magnetic fields at distances far greater than their conventional, magnetic induction counterparts. The results of their work were published in the journal Science later. Where previous technologies only allowed transmission over distances of inches, magnetic resonance coupling would allow transmission at long enough distances that it opens the door to many new applications. So in theory you could have a room full of people with their electronic devices and you can charge multiple devices all at once. With this wireless charging technology finding an outlet will become obsolete.

The information above is taken from this Article online.


Full Project Description:
For my project the idea is to create a solar powered battery that attaches onto the back of your cell phones or any other electronic devices (iPhone, iPads, mp3 players, Kindles etc.) that acts as a backup battery for device and charges automatically so whenever the original battery for your device runs out the solar powered battery kicks in and keeps the device working.  The battery could be a standard size lithium battery that is compatible with average cell phone devices it will simply attach on the backside of the phone and will contain a solar panel on the back of it (the side that doesn’t face the back of the cell phone directly.) Through the solar panel the battery would collect solar energy and the indicator on the side will show whether or not the battery is fully charged. Whenever the original battery needs to be replaced, the backup battery can be simply detached from the back of the phone and plugged inside of the cellphone device to power it.

The solar powered battery will not require any chargers to fully function and it will just utilize the solar panel located on its backside to harness sunlight so it can keep the electronic devices working. Although the solar powered battery will also have the option to be able to be charged at wireless power stations in the case there is insufficient sunlight available around to keep your handheld device working. The wireless power station will emit electromagnetic waves that will automatically re-charge any devices in range that support wireless charging. This way wireless power chargers will cover the charging requirements in case there is not sufficient sunlight available to fulfill the need to charge electronic devices such as during night times when sunlight isn’t available. Whereas Solar powered battery will kick in if there are any power outages  you will have a working phone and your electronic devices will never run out of battery even without the wireless power charging stations.

Advantages of Solar and Wireless Energy

  • The power source of the sun is absolutely free.
  • Solar and wireless energy is GREEN environment friendly.
  • Cost efficient 
  • Solar power is infinite.
  • The production of solar energy produces no pollution.
  • Solar energy is extremely cost effective.
  • Most solar panels do not require any maintenance during their lifespan, so you never have to put money into them.
  • Wireless charging docks can function similar to WiFi hot spots and can be made available for everyone everywhere.
  • Most solar systems last up to 30 to 40 years.



  • Research more about how to utilize solar power in a small sized battery.
  • Research on wireless energy
  • Draw concept art for the final presentation for the wireless charger
  • Work out how the solar panel is implemented into the battery.
  • Research the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy.
  • Create a concept art about how the battery will attach and work with the phone.
  • Put together the presentation for the final project.
  • Deliverables.

My deliverable will consist of the concept art which will contain diagrams, figures and different designs that will show how the device will look like the size of the battery how it will fit on the phone and will explain visually how the whole thing will work. A power point presentation of all the work I have done with the imagine project which which contain the concept art of different models that I designed myself and how they will function in daily life.

Future Manifestations:
The only way that I can think of how my project can evolve in the future is making the wireless charging instant. Something like a charging dock where you put your phone on the dock and the dock scans all the information it needs about your electronic device’s model and battery information and instantly replenishes battery to full.








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